mercredi 18 avril 2012

Something's going on, it's an early update!

No, nothing really has happened. So false alarm. Anyhow, I thought this might be a good time to talk about my hostfamily and my life here so rambling it is!

For those who don't know (=almost everybody) I have to take two trams to school. Yesterday, I waited for the tram but when it didn't arrive after about 10 minutes I gave up and started walking. I have now officially proved that it takes about half an hour to get to where I change my tram for the one that takes me to the stop near my school.

Next weekend, my mom and younger brother (he's not little since he's over 20 cm taller than me) will be in Brussels. I can't wait! The funny thing is that they arrive on my 8th month anniversary of my stay here in Belgium. I've really missed them so I'm getting really excited about this.

In my last post I rambled something in French, here's the same story in English. My new hostmom is preparing for a 100km 3-day thing so she's going on mini-hikes every Sunday. Last Sunday I went with her and my feet were really killing me afterwards. It was just 15 km but my shoes were not good (tip: don't go on 15km hikes with basket shoes).

Ramble-post is over, à tantôt :)

dimanche 15 avril 2012

This seems to be a habit

Hello there!
Yes, I know that it has been a long time since I've written and la-di-da-di-da.

I am now living with my third, and last, hostfamily. I've been living with them for just over two weeks now and I can already tell that I've had really good luck when it comes to families. All of my families have been très bienveillant et vachement chouettes! I miss my hostsisters, Euge (8) and Rosa (10) a lot but now I've finally got a brother! For those who don't know, I've grown up with two brothers running around the house so I've kind of missed that. But yes, my new little brother (who's a head taller than me!) is really talkative and the opposite of my first younger hostsister who was the same age in every way. Don't get me wrong, she was really nice, but Franky is really awesome :D

I'm happy to end my stay in Belgium in Brussels. I am now really living my dream and I love every minute of it! Brussels is an amazing city and I'm never really bored here. For example, yesterday I didn't have anything planned so I did some google-fu and found out that there is a route of walls with BD frescoes. Photos below from my 2-hour walk

So what has been going on during my break? I've been travelling once again around Europe. For our "vacances de ski" I was in France with my second hostfamily. My knees...! I snowboard and the pistes are MUCH bigger and difficult here in the continental part than in Finland.

These last two weeks it has been the Easter leave. Two weeks of just enjoying life and getting to now my new hostfamily. Par example, ma mére d'accuiel aime bien marcher. Aujourd'hui, j'ai marché 15 kilo metres avec elle et ses amies. C'était très agreable, et il a fait chaud :D Mais mes pieds ne l'aimait pas...

I've also been looking more into what Belgium is. We went to Liége, Grand Hornu, Namur (once again for me) and Notre Dame de la Rose.

If anyone needs my new address send me an e-mail ;)

lundi 6 février 2012

What do you mean Christmas is over? part 2

Continuation. Part 2 with 3 subparts :D

1st part: So I went to the Caribbean ;)
Since I turn(ed) 18 this year, my family decided to give a trip to the Caribbean as a birthday present. It was amazing! And of all places in the Caribbean, we we're at the Dominican Republic (Nerdfighter squeal!) So the week went something like this:
31/12/11: Arrived in the evening after 8 hours of sitting in an airplane. We ate at the buffet which was really decorated for the occasion.

And a pig's head is really important 
1/1/11: Just chilling and recovering from the jetlag. Not that much really, trying not to get lost on the huge area called "hotel".

There was a pool. And a bardisk. JUST BY THE POOL!

A Christmas present from my hostparents. These things really saved my vacation :D

2/1/12: Tour in the "real" parts of the Dominican Republic.
Our bus :D

A local school we went to. It was really just like any other school, Europe and the Caribbean aren't that different after all

A classphoto

The Cathedral. It was huuuuge and made out of concrete.

Rice fields

Local market

Making cheese

Sugarcane :D

What do you mean Christmas is over?

Visited a "sorcerer" = voodoo priest?
Not all of the photos but yeah...

I have a big fault. Whenever I do things, I get too excited and don't take photos. Or when nothing happens, I don't take photos either. This explanation is needed since I have almost no photos of the rest of the week. What we did: hanged out at the pool/playa at the hotel Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and partly Saturday. On Wednesday we went on a excursion and I don't have almost any pictures because a)we were in a speedboat and I didn't want to risk my new camera b)there wasn't that much time and c)on the way back, I was too busy dancing to take any photos. What I do have is this photo:

First (and last) time I will eat lobster.

2nd part!
I have moved. I should have posted this ages ago, but I have now officially moved (one month ago but who counts?) I'm not going to take as many photos from my room this time... or not yet ;)

Oh hi nice painting that watches me when I sleep
Part number 3!
A painter selected my offer for one of his drawings. Painter? Drawer? Whatever. The story goes like this;
I went to Truc Troc, which is a annual showcase with modern Belgian painters and sculptors. What the audience does, is to write offers what they want to exchange for this work of art. So I offered to be a Finnish e-mail penpal. AND one of the painters accepted my offer!
My future drawing will be something like this:
And last but not least, blazer update time!


samedi 14 janvier 2012

What do you mean Christmas is over? part 1

Today's blog comes to you in 2 parts and this part contains 4 subparts.

First part: Apologising
I just realised that I have managed to ignore this blog for way too long. Lots of things have been going on lately *coughcoughChristmascoughcough*. So long story short: exams, Christmas, New Years in the Caribbean and changing families to mention something.

Second part: Exams
Yep, I had to write the exams. Well not all of them, thankfully, but a handful. The ones I wrote were English, art history, history, géo, science, religion and science économique. No math for me! Nor French nor Dutch. The days that I didn't have an exam I went to the school's library and had French course FOR THREE HOURS. Hahhah, that was a blast.

Third part: Christmas!
Once again apologising to everyone who wanted me to write something on my blogg for Christmas. I just didn't seem to have enough time to do that :(
On Christmas Eve I went to meet my new hostfamily and after that I went to the movies with my first hostfamily. (New Year's Eve is an ok movie by the way, it made me feel all happy inside). We opened some presents during the evening and I was just blown out of y mind. I got a camera. I'm not even kidding. A real, very nice, camera from my hostparents.

Christmas day was a bit chaotic. The cousins came over and we had a big dinner/feast that lasted almost the whole day. And we opened presents once again :D Enjoy a collage with photos taken with my new camera
We ate both of them. There was a lot of us here at Christmas

Asia, Africa and Europe unite!

Me and Kamo from Lesotho. She was Nana's oldie and unfortunately she  already had to go back home :(

a table filled with delight :D
Fourth part: l'Atomium and down by the Seaside!
The days after Christmas were filled with doing stuff that although I've been in Belgium for 4 months I still hadn't done. So I went to the Atomium with my hostmom.

A map of the World Fair in Brussels 1958 (for which the Atomium was built)

The day after, my "replacement" came to visit us and we went together with him and my hostparents to the Belgian seaside. Knokke to be more exact. It was quite cold that day and we went bicycling. It was fun though, even if the weather wasn't the best possible.

dimanche 11 décembre 2011

Paris and updates part2

So I'm now going to continue from the post before 6/12.

The weekend after I arrived back here in Belgium, it was the Armistice. We didn't have school that Friday so I went to Paris with my hostcousins and my Balinese "cousin". It was an awesome trip, although the weather was once again not really on our side. I think France has something against me... Since we were in Paris just for 2 and a half days there is not really that much to tell.

We did all kinds of tourist-y things (although we didn't enter Louvre...). I think Paris is a very beautiful city, although a bit too dirty for my taste. We had a blast though so here are some pictures from that weekend!

First time in Paris and la Tour d'Eiffel looks like that ...

Outside of Sacre Coeur, Paris

So beautiful!

Couldn't stop laughing for some odd reason~

La Nouvelle Chouette anyone?

The gates to Heaven Abercrombie&Fitch

Half-an-hour before Abercrombie opened. It was really special
Now I'm off to read for the exams. Wish me good luck :)
Oh, and I can usually guess who has commented but please if you comment anonymously add a name so I know for sure who you are :)